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Prevent your phone from being damaged during this 👈 heatwave

Updated: Sep 11, 2023


As temperatures continue to rise in the Kuwait and with summer well and truly here, it's estimated that the average kuwait’s temperature is 40 degrees Here are some heat damage saving tips that can really help keep your smartphone operating at its top level: Shield Your Device from Sunlight: It's crucial to safeguard your smartphone from direct sunlight and heat sources. Prolonged exposure to these elements can lead to potential damage to your device. In an age where our lives revolve around smartphones, it's more important than ever to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. One of the often overlooked yet critical aspects of smartphone care is protecting your device from overheating. While modern smartphones are designed to handle various conditions, they can still be vulnerable to the harmful effects of direct sunlight and excessive heat. Here's why you should take steps to shield your smartphone from these elements:

1. Understanding the Risks:

Direct sunlight and exposure to high temperatures can spell trouble for your device. Heat is an enemy of electronics, and smartphones are no exception. When subjected to excessive heat, a smartphone's internal components, such as the battery and processor, can be strained and experience accelerated wear and tear. Over time, this can lead to diminished battery life, reduced performance, and even permanent damage. Jehazee extends expert repair services delivered by seasoned professionals, all at an exceptionally affordable cost. However, prevention is better than cure.

2. Battery Impact:

Your smartphone's battery is particularly sensitive to temperature fluctuations. High temperatures can cause the battery to degrade more quickly, resulting in reduced overall battery capacity and shorter usage time between charges. Moreover, extreme heat can lead to battery swelling, posing not only a performance risk but also a safety concern.

3. Screen Damage:

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can have a detrimental effect on your smartphone's display. The intense heat can lead to screen discoloration, pixel damage, and even touch sensitivity issues. Protecting your device from direct sunlight can help preserve the visual quality and touch responsiveness of your screen.

4. Internal Performance:

Smartphones generate heat during regular usage, especially during resource-intensive tasks like gaming or video streaming. When used in conjunction with high ambient temperatures, the internal heat can accumulate, potentially leading to performance throttling or even unexpected shutdowns to prevent overheating. Shielding your device from external heat sources can mitigate this risk.

5. Tips to Shield Your Device:

-Shade and Cover:

Whenever possible, keep your smartphone in the shade or use a cover to shield it from direct sunlight. - Avoid Hot Surfaces: Refrain from placing your device on hot surfaces like car dashboards or metal objects that can absorb and radiate heat.

- Ventilation:

Allow your device to breathe by avoiding tight pockets or enclosed spaces where heat can accumulate. - Use During Cooler Hours: If you're in a particularly hot environment, consider using your smartphone during cooler parts of the day to reduce exposure to high temperatures.

- Optimal Charging:

Charge your phone in a cool and well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight during charging sessions. By taking proactive steps to protect your smartphone from overheating, you're not only extending its lifespan but also ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience. As we rely on our devices for a wide range of tasks, from communication to entertainment and productivity, safeguarding their performance becomes paramount. So, remember to keep your smartphone cool, and it will continue to serve you faithfully for years to come. And before you get a used device, here's a heads-up: Some sneaky damage might be lurking inside, ready to mess with your device's life and trigger overheating. But no worries – at Jehazee, we've got your back. We give those used devices a thorough checkup, so you know exactly what you're getting into before you hit that buy button.



Your trusty smartphone has its own defense mechanism against the sun's heat – it'll do its best to keep its internal bits cool. If you happen to spot a heat warning screen, do your device a favor: give it some shade and hold off on charging until it's feeling nice and chilled out.

How Your Smartphone Battles the Heat:

When the sun cranks up the heat, your smartphone doesn't just surrender. It springs into action, working to maintain its temperature equilibrium. It's like your device's very own air conditioning system, subtly adjusting its performance to keep things cool under the hood. This means your smartphone's internal bits are less likely to get frazzled by the sun's rays.

The Heat Warning Screen: What to Do:

If your smartphone feels the heat a bit too much and triggers a heat warning screen, it's your cue to take action. Don't ignore it or power through – your device is telling you it needs a breather. Find a shady spot, away from direct sunlight, and let your smartphone cool off. Think of it as your device's siesta time – a chance for it to reset and get back to its usual, efficient self.

A Break from Charging:

When your smartphone's feeling hot under the collar, it's not the best time for a charging session. Just like you wouldn't dive into a workout right after a big meal, your device needs a moment to catch its breath. So, resist the urge to plug it in until it has sufficiently cooled down. This simple move can help prevent overheating-related issues and keep your smartphone humming along smoothly.

Why It Matters:

Your smartphone is more than a device – it's a lifeline, a source of entertainment, and a hub for staying connected. Protecting it from overheating isn't just about ensuring its immediate performance; it's about prolonging its overall lifespan. By being mindful of your device's temperature, you're investing in a healthier, more durable partnership with your smartphone.


Next time your smartphone throws up a heat warning screen, don't fret. Embrace the opportunity to give it a breather, a chance to cool down and recalibrate. Remember, it's not just a screen flashing a message; it's your device looking out for you. So, find some shade, let it take a break from charging, and relish in the knowledge that you're nurturing a long and prosperous journey with your trusty smartphone companion. If luck wasn't on your side and your device took a hit, no sweat! Over at Jehazee, we've got a squad of repair pros who'll swoop in and work their magic in record time – and without heating up your pocket. Your device's in good hands with us! So, if you need us, repair your device now with Jehazee.



Cars can turn into mini greenhouses, locking in heat and cranking up the temperatures. So, if you leave your smartphone in your car for too long – whether it's hiding in the glove box or catching rays on the seat – you're risking some serious harm to your battery and screen. Don't let your device get cooked! Believe it or not, your car can turn into a bit of a greenhouse, where heat gets trapped and temperatures start to soar. Now, imagine your smartphone enduring this auna-like environment for an extended period – whether it's tucked away in the glove compartment or basking in the sun-soaked seat. Well, hold onto your device and keep reading, because we're about to unveil the potential havoc this scenario can wreak on your battery and LCD screen.

The Car Conundrum: How Heat Gets Locked In:

Cars have an uncanny ability to transform into heat-hoarding machines, especially when parked under the sun's blazing gaze. The windows act as insulators, trapping heat within the confines of your vehicle. This trapped heat can quickly elevate temperatures, creating a sizzling environment that's anything but smartphone-friendly. The Heat's Effect on Your Smartphone: Battery and Beyond: When your smartphone gets caught in this automotive oven, its battery takes the hit first. Exposing your device to high temperatures can lead to battery deterioration, reducing its overall capacity and lifespan. But that's not all – your trusty LCD screen can also bear the brunt. Prolonged exposure to scorching conditions can lead to screen damage, affecting its visual integrity and touch responsiveness. The Hot Seat: Where Your Smartphone Shouldn't Be: It might seem convenient to stash your smartphone in the glove compartment or rest it on the seat while you're away. However, these seemingly harmless spots can become risky zones when Kuwait’s temperature rises. Your glove compartment can become a furnace, subjecting your device to intense heat, while the sun-soaked seat can be equally unforgiving.

The Solution: Prioritize Your Smartphone's Comfort:

Your smartphone deserves better than a roasting hot car. If you want to ensure your device's longevity and performance, it's best to keep it out of the scorching car environment. Take it with you when you leave the car or find a cooler, shadier spot within the vehicle – perhaps under a seat or in the shade of a sun visor.

Conclusion: Beat the Heat for a Happy Smartphone:

Your smartphone is your constant companion, offering convenience, connection, and entertainment. Don't let the heat within your car turn it into a victim of circumstance. By heeding this advice and giving your device a break from the car's heat trap, you're taking a proactive step to preserve its battery life and screen quality. Keep your smartphone cool, and it will repay you with reliable performance and lasting enjoyment.

If your phone still ends up taking a hit, no biggie – Jehazee's repair wizards are here to save the day! We'll whip your device back into shape in a jiffy, and guess what? It won't even break the bank. So repair now with Jehazee.



Time for a battery-saving trick: dim that brightness all the way down, shut down any sneaky background apps, and give those wireless connections a break. By doing this, you're giving your battery a breather and helping your smartphone chill out quicker. Let's talk battery smarts – it's a game-changer when it comes to keeping your smartphone cool. Here's a nifty trick to have up your sleeve: dial down that brightness to its lowest, kick those lurking background apps to the curb, and bid adieu to your wireless connections – at least temporarily. By giving your battery this minivacation, you're not just reducing its strain, but also helping your smartphone cool down like a pro.

Unveiling the Magic Behind Battery Care:

Your smartphone's battery is like its heart – it keeps things ticking. But it can also generate heat, especially when powering demanding apps and maintaining constant connections. The result? Your smartphone might feel a bit like it's in a sauna. But fret not – there's a simple and effective remedy.

The Triple Play for a Cooler Smartphone:

1. Dim that Brightness: Your smartphone's screen is a power-hungry delight, and a bright display can contribute to excess heat. By adjusting the brightness to its lowest, you're easing the load on your battery and indirectly helping your device cool down faster.

2. Clear Out the Background Crowd: Those sneaky background apps? They're like the party crashers of your smartphone experience, hogging resources and generating heat. It's time for a clear-out. Shutdown those unnecessary apps and give your battery some breathing room.

3. Wireless Detox: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and mobile data – they're essential, but they also guzzle battery power and contribute to your device's rising temperature. Disconnect from these connections temporarily to lighten the load on your battery and help your smartphone return to its cooler self.

Why It Matters:

Your smartphone's battery health isn't just about getting through the day – it's also about ensuring optimal performance and longevity. By employing these simple battery care techniques, you're not just helping your device cool down; you're also reducing the strain on its internal components, which can translate into a longer and more efficient partnership with your smartphone.

Conclusion: Powering Down for a Cool Comeback:

So, the next time your smartphone starts feeling the heat, remember this battery-saving playbook. It's your secret weapon to combat rising temperatures and ensure your device's top-notch performance. Dim that brightness, clear out those background apps, and give those wireless connections a break. Your smartphone will thank you with a cooler, more refreshing experience. But hey, even if your battery decides to take a hit for some unknown reason and you're eyeing a high-end cheap certified used device, guess what? Jehazee's got your back! Go ahead and shop with us –

and buy your certified used device NOW !



Give your phone case a break. Believe it or not, that cozy cover might actually be trapping heat and making things warmer inside. Let's talk phone cases – those trusty protectors that keep your device safe and sound. But guess what? They might also be unintentionally cranking up the heat inside. Today, we're throwing you a challenge: for the day, how about ditching that case and letting your smartphone breathe a little? It's a small change that can make a big difference in keeping your device cool and comfy.

The Mystery of the Heating Phone Case:

Phone cases – they're like a cozy home for your smartphone. But here's the catch: they can sometimes act like a blanket, trapping heat and leaving your device feeling a bit too warm for comfort. That's where our little experiment comes in.

The One-Day Break: Case Off, Chill On:

So, here's the deal: take off that case – just for today, or better use a case that allows your device to breathe. Give your smartphone a chance to stretch its legs and shed that extra layer. Without the case's insulating embrace, your device can dissipate heat more effectively, helping it stay cooler and happier.

Why It's a Smart Move:

Your smartphone's well-being is a top priority, and ensuring it doesn't get too hot under the collar is a smart strategy. By going case-free for a day, you're letting your device cool down naturally and potentially extending its overall lifespan. Plus, it's a fun little experiment that can have a surprisingly positive impact. You know what's an even smarter move? Scoring a sweet deal and buying a high-end used device and selling off your old phone at Jehazee! It's a win-win situation that'll leave you grinning from ear to ear.



When things are heating up, it's best to give those energyeating monster apps a break – unless you really, really need 'em. Your smartphone will thank you for the breather! When the temperature's on the rise, your smartphone's energy levels can start to sizzle. But fear not – we've got a trick up our sleeve to help you keep your device cool and collected. It's all about taming those energy-hungry apps, making sure they're not running amok and sending your smartphone's temperature soaring. The Heat and High-Energy Apps Connection: Hot weather and energy-eating apps can team up to create a recipe for smartphone overheating. These apps, often demanding a substantial chunk of your device's power, can ramp up the heat – literally. But fret not, because here's your playbook for keeping things cool.

The Rule of Thumb: Reserve Energy for the Essentials:

When the sun's blazing and your smartphone's feeling the heat, it's time to become a savvy app manager. Give those energy-hungry apps a timeout, especially if they're not absolutely necessary. By hitting pause on their power-hungry antics, you're effectively reducing the strain on your device and helping it stay cool. Why It Makes Sense: Preserving Performance and Comfort: Think of it as a way to ensure your smartphone's performance isn't compromised by unnecessary heat buildup. By taking control of energy-hungry apps, you're giving your device a chance to shine, maintain optimal performance, and enjoy a longer and more reliable lifespan.

Conclusion: Keeping Your Smartphone Cool and Collected:

As the Kuwait’s temperature climbs, so does the importance of smart app management. It's a small yet effective way to prevent your device from feeling the heat – literally. So, next time you're basking in the summer sun, remember this nifty trick: give those energy-hungry apps a timeout. Your smartphone will stay cool, and you'll stay worryfree. And here's a bonus tip to stay worry-free: If you're in the market for a device, why not go the savvy route? Grab a certified used device from Jehazee, sell off your old phone to us, and hey, if your device needs a little care, we've got your back on repairs too. It's a total win-win!



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